
A.3 - The Stability Scope

The Stability Scope governs the management of the USDS Stablecoin. The USDS Stablecoin must be a permissionless and useful currency available to anyone. Its stability and risk must be managed to generate as much value for Sky and public good as possible.
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This Article defines critical infrastructure for improving the Stability Scope.
To ensure continuous improvement of the Stability Scope, the Stability Facilitators may retain Scope Advisors, experts with relevant domain expertise. The Stability Scope Advisors shall take on projects identified by the Stability Facilitators. The Scope Advisors will serve under the terms and conditions set forth in an agreement to be negotiated by the Stability Facilitators and each Scope Advisor, which agreement shall be publicly disclosed.
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Stability Scope Advisors must be Ecosystem Actors who have no involvement in any business, political, or governance-related activities that could create a conflict of interest, either directly or indirectly. Additionally, they must possess the relevant expertise and professional skills necessary to provide informed and objective input on the specific content areas covered by the Stability Scope.
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BA Labs is granted a limited waiver to the rule prohibiting Stability Scope Advisors from engaging in other business activities that could result in a conflict of interest. This waiver applies only to BA Labs’ work with Ethena. This waiver provides Sky with greater transparency and responsiveness in the event of any issue with Ethena. It also allows BA Labs to align Ethena’s risk strategy with Sky.However, should additional Stability Scope Advisors be appointed, they will be required to assume full responsibility for all risk management activities associated with Ethena.